Sunday, December 20, 2009

Swine Flu nearly 10,000 deaths in US

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, had just come out with new estimates show that the swine flu virus which has infected about 50 million people in the United States

Of this figure, the majority are children and young adults, more evidence that this epidemic has not spared the elderly.

In addition, the H1N1 virus has caused about 200,000 hospitals and nearly 10,000 deaths - 1100 of them children.

Estimates of the onset of the disease in the spring to the U. S. November 14 and update the Center for Disease Control figures from last month.

Center for Disease Control also notes the existence of a personal concern in an attempt to restore the seriousness of this disease can be: mortality rates of Indians, four times the average in the United States, mainly due to the high percentage of the population of asthma, diabetes and lack of access to quality health care.

Figures just through the pause in activity of swine influenza - infection peaked in October, and declined since then, these days, and fewer people who claim to be vaccinated. Some even call for a pandemic virus are more vulnerable.

A lot of warnings from experts in infectious diseases "only a few months ago. By this time, we were told to prepare ourselves for the population as much as half of the patients, 90,000 deaths, drowning in the intensive care unit and the absence of collective action in schools and workplaces.

However, public health officials used the truce as an opportunity to urge people to be vaccinated if a third wave of the virus to the roots in the cold winter. The flu, as we remember, can not be predicted

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