The first large group of people known risk factors for chronic lung disease. This group is rapidly deteriorating, health wise, when he virus. Asthma patients are not safe with anyone who has undergone any drug treatment for asthma in the past three years in a particularly high risk.
Those who have had or who suffer from chronic diseases of the heart are another group of people who are at very high levels of market risk not taking precautions. This particular group can see a very rapid decline in his health due to the fact that its most vital organ weakened and vulnerable to all kinds of attack and injury.
Chronic renal and hepatic disease also urged to take extra precautions when in public and generally only exposed to infection. These patients have weakened bodies and this means that any injury or infection of these organs can be taken quickly, leading to major damage and even death.
Anyone with a compromised immune system because they have a disease or simply because they are subject to a medical treatment is not invasive and damaging in the past, has every opportunity to more quickly and dramatically when exposed to swine influenza. This group should know how their system is affected, and you should do to protect themselves. A good conversation with your doctor, the collection of knowledge in this field. Talk to your doctor will give you an idea of what to avoid, and how to live their daily activities. It takes only one exposure to swine influenza virus to their health deteriorates if you have a weakened immune system, so take precautions, according to the orders from the doctor is very important.
La grip porcina difusió es la persona a persona. There is a common myth that pigs are still participate as the spread of the virus. This is not true. People can now easily transmit the virus to each other. This makes it especially dangerous for people in high risk groups and contact with other people on a regular basis.
The virus is transmitted via droplets from the nose when sneezing or has issued a cold. This makes the transport of high risk, where an epidemic is in full swing. Vulnerable people, especially those with an impaired immune response identified that will be exposed to these harmful and faster transmission.
If you are one of those people who are considered high risk, go to the doctor the doctor, and act on what they say.