Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swine Flu will not have the 2nd round.

We have some good news for the swine flu once. Worldwide - including me - will brace for a second wave of classical swine fever in the autumn. The second, most destructive pandemic. This is how an influenza pandemic to which everyone knows. But the odds are more lethal second wave seems to be diminishing.

First, a survey of 60 leading flu experts said that most flu experts no longer believe that a more virulent of classical swine fever coming. They still have another wave coming, but I think it will be more virulent. L'article sobre un estudi no mostra, que és un tipus d'experts en grip, o per què han canviat d'opinió, i crec que és frustrant. Knowing the credentials of its own, and why he did not believe to worsen, will help us know how this estimate is reliable.

But there's more. In addition to the anonymous survey undescribed influenza experts also have two research viròlegs - viròlegs names, even - that the 14 analyzed were flu pandemics in the last 500 years. And there is no second killer wave. That found no evidence of the "wave of the problem" in a flu pandemic. Instead of becoming a pandemic Fluss normal seasonal flu.

That does not mean we are off the hook. Mutatis flu more difficult. This is how we have the classical swine fever in the first place. There is no guarantee that will not mutate to a flu. But we have no reason to believe that it is no longer relevant.

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