Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swine flu recession

There is a lot of analysis that went on when the early cases of swine flu were reported from Mexico. Who began to speak about the pandemic, which has raised specter of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic that killed nearly 100 million people. Historians estimate that the disease infected one in three people worldwide. Economists began to look at the WHO description of new species and talk about the hundreds of billions of dollars in global GDP will be lost when the flu slowed world trade and put the unthinkable parts of the world labor force in hospitals and sick beds. The costs of treating all the sick people are also expected to be in the billions of dollars to bear the costs of health care and life insurance.

H1N1 flu news is currently less prominent than the results of the baseball box. The flu did not kill many people and it's infected, so small that in many large countries, almost no current cases. The average American probably assumed that the infection in this country is the culmination of several months ago and it was the end of it.

Which recently said it would be wrong to forget the swine flu, because it is about to become a major problem for global health than most people can imagine. It will be hard to believe for those who have kept track of the flu so far. WHO is talking about the danger of flu before and when it turned out not to be as serious as anticipated public hanging.

WHO published new data on the H1N1 strain recently. The first number is staggering and it is hard to believe, what is the problem. The agency says as many as two billion people could contract influenza during the next two years. No one accepts the number, because it is unthinkable and the flu so far as health is less than the risk of colds. Number of cases of illness have doubled every few days to several weeks in many major countries hit two billion figure, and people who want to believe that a likely scenario.

The agency could be wrong, or individuals and companies can be a period of "denial of swine flu." The news is filled with photographs of big companies through the swine flu drill fire evacuating people from infected objects. Hospitals are adding special care for those infected with this highly contagious virus, or at least did not recognize that. Funeral homes are not adding annexes. The public believes that the pandemic flu pigs is nothing more than a fiction created by public health alarmists.

Read more=> Swine Flu Recession: continue

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